This site is more than just random ramblings of Twerpo Twatwaffle, the overseer of everything twatwaffle. The twatwaffle overlord, if you will….and you will.  Because I WILL it! This site serves as a collection of nonsense, pseudo wisdom, fauxlosophy, silliness, and novel thoughts….and an opportunist’s idea of unfiltered and unapologetic attempt at capitalism.  Enjoy, or not… Just don’t be a twatwaffle!

What is a twatwaffle?

First of all, if this is the first time you’ve heard the word and was appalled, aghast, flummoxed, disheveled, bemused, confounded, or otherwise “offended,” then hear me out.  JUST because there’s the “T” word within the word, doesn’t make twatwaffle a terrible word.  Much like words like “cockpit” or “cocktail” are terrible words.  Okayyyyy… twatwaffle isn’t really a nice word that you want your toddlers calling each other. 

HOWEVER, any dictionary would include synonyms such as; idiot, buffoon, ignoramus, jackass, nincompoop, fool, imbecile, moron, nitwit, twit, or TWERP!

I look at twatwaffle to be a legitimately novelty word to describe a degree of being annoyingly stupid.  It’s where you go when just rolling your eyes and mumbling under your breath isn’t enough, and outright rage at that “Fucking thunderc#nt!” might be a bit hostile.  It’s almost an amusing word you can use tongue in cheek, maybe even as a term of endearment between friends or a pet name for your significant other!  Go ahead and try it and tell me how it goes.  I’m sure it’ll be fine!

I'm an offended twatwaffle
Language We've Ruined

I’m Offended

I was recently contacted by a cousin. Let’s call her, Pattycake. Pattycake tells me that she doesn’t like that twatwaffle exists and that she’s “offended.” Reeeaaaallly….!?!? I said in the most cynical and snarky tone as I could possibly have exaggerated.

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Random Ramblings

Merry Christmas, Twatwaffle

Okay, maybe writing this ON Christmas Day might be too late for my little turds of wisdom. But, why should that stop me? You probably wouldn’t

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twatwaffle idiot proof
Random Ramblings

How to Idiot-Proof Your Life

How to Idiot Proof Your Life You can’t.  That’s it.  End of article post.  Move along.  Nothing to see here. Ohhh… okay. You came all

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Twerpo Twatwaffle
Random Ramblings

Who is Twerpo Twatwaffle?

Who is Twerpo Twatwaffle? The first reaction of a twatwaffle that’s asked ‘Who are you?’ would be, “What’s it to ya?” or “Who’s askin’?”  Well,

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