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Who is Twerpo Twatwaffle?
Who is Twerpo Twatwaffle?

I’m Twerpo Twatwaffle. On the screen in front of you, simply an AI generated illustration of a round waffle character with a face. This is only intended to put a persona to the overall space here. Simply put, Twerpo is a persona, an alter-ego. “An alter-ego of whom, though? And why?” you might ask. Well… that’s none of you’re friggin business, Snoopy!
Everybody has an alter-ego. That little voice in your head that wants to speak out sometimes. But, either your job, your family, your social status in the community, or your sense of common decency makes you bite your tongue because you don’t want to say something you can’t take back, or you don’t want to offend some hyper sensitive weenie and deal with the potential repercussions.
Some people vent in a diary. I’m not a 13 year old chick. So, that’s not an option. Some people go home, drink, and raise hell with their family. I can’t afford another divorce. So, there’s gotta be another way to vent and get shit off my chest. Hmmm… Ah HAA!!! Keyboard Warrior!! I know, I know… WHY, Twerpo, why would you want to be a keyboard warrior? There are SOOO many trolling the internet and social media sites, and most reasonable people hate them, INCLUDING YOU.
Yeah, you’re right. I don’t wanna be a keyboard warrior. Because then you have to care about winning every argument and try to convince everyone that you’re right. I’m not going to do that. I have no interest in convincing everyone I’m right, when I KNOW I’m right. Screw’em.
I need some place where I can say whatever I want to and not have to answer to anyone. I don’t have to care if my FB account get’s restricted. I don’t care how many Insta followers I collect. I don’t care if the Chinese are interested in my waffle DNA and shopping habits. HEY, Xi Jinping! I buy real maple syrup and butter runs through my veins. Happy? Leave my TikkityTok account alone!
So, this is it. My home to do and say whatever the FUCK I want because I can, and then just blame anything on “the art,” creative license, and “I’m sorry you were offended. It’s not me. It’s a persona. You can’t seriously be offended by a fucking top-hat wearing WAFFLE. Suck it up, Buttercup!” This part of is my personal place where I can rant about stupid shit and stupid people that I observe in life. You don’t have to agree with me. But, ya should. Because, if I haven’t already established this, I’m always right. I’m a Twatwaffle after all.
Sure, there’s more to the ego behind the alter-ego. The actual “keyboard warrior” behind Twerpo is just an ordinary average guy. There’s an entrepreneurial spirit, a career minded person, a family guy, a frustrated citizen of modern politics, and has friends and family he cares about. A select few know that he’s the ego behind Twerpo. But, mostly, it just a fun place to vent. I was fortunate enough take advantage of finding such a perfect word to own the domain name to that sums up a great place to share ideas, frustrations, perhaps a few laughs (at anyone and everyone’s expense), pearls of wisdom, and turds of nonsense.
NOTHING on this site is to be taken seriously or personally. Again, I really shouldn’t have to say that. But, if you’re starting to feel triggered by even being here, then YOU’VE earned the twatwaffle name. Otherwise, welcome to my world and let the shenanigans begin!